You never know what a long, endless road hides. There may be turns that may or may not lead you to your destination; there may be crossroads that will confuse you with multiple directions. Because by the looks of a long road before you, you can never assure yourself about the destination, the road just hides a mysterious unknown.
He slowly moved his horse towards the greener patch of land. It was hard to believe that the days and days through the deserts and the barren lands had finally led him to a mysterious entrance that showed a beautiful road ahead. The sound of birds singing just signified the beauty and a trail of tall trees overlooked the vibrant greenery from both sides. A sight so beautiful, that it was calling out to him, to take shelter in the surroundings and find a much needed home.
Cold, welcoming winds blew in towards him, tenderly playing with his hair. After halting his horse, he got down and looked at both sides. A side which was dry and barren and a side that was so green and rich with natural beauty, he was right in middle, trying to find a way through his bemusement.
While looking into the distance at the welcoming patch of road, a voice interrupted his thoughts, “Greetings seeker!”
It was a man who could make a beggar look better. His attire was torn at places and even those consoling patches on his attire had given up. He sported the smile of a long lost friend; his smile was ruined by a few decayed teeth. He had magically appeared from the barren path on the side and was patiently walking towards him. After the horrible looking man was close enough, he continued, “You remind me of my own days, when I’d come here and that welcoming side had engulfed me”
With a surprised suspicion, he backed off a little, “What do you mean?”
“That’s the road to love and all those pretty things that can hypnotize and banish a young man into misery”, the shabby old man slapped his forehead. After a brief pause the man continued, “Come. Join me. Save yourself from this trap, we shall live like honest men and drink our hearts out under the stars”
“You have to surrender to the beauty of love, because it’s what we live for. Forget the bitterness, give it another chance and hop on with me” he said getting on his horse.
The man denied his proposal and walked back towards the barren nothingness. After seeing him disappear somewhere, he charged off into the beautiful sight.
After what seemed like the completion of half a season, there was a similar situation. Another man’s quest had led him to the welcoming lands of love. As he stood there in contemplation, he was interrupted.
This time there wasn’t just one shabby looking man, but two of them, with the same smiles on their faces, hiding their bitter realizations.