Sunday, July 1, 2012

Prisoner of the Lake

He was dweller of the lake; its waters were his home. A lake which was unnoticeable to the world around him as it gave very little idea about its endless depth. The lake’s depth was safely covered under its small, befooling surface.

Like a mermaid, he stayed there with the cold waters consistently numbing his body. People passing by would sit by the lake and talk to him. Some walked off sooner but some would sit a little longer. She was one of those people, the ones who would sit and talk to him. Just like many others even she queried about the bruises his shoulders displayed. “They hurt when it rains” he told her, something which demonstrated itself after a while.

It began to pour and the drops of waters continually lashed his dried wounds, like a jailer constantly whipping a convict. The hurtful sensation was accompanied by the voices inside his head. She held his hand but he was feeling helpless. With a last glance at her, he took a plunge into the lake remaining in the deep till the rains stopped outside and the storm inside him subsided.

After seeing the imagery of ripples stop on the surface, he swam all the way up. But she was gone. She was gone, just like an entire world which goes away after he surrenders to his haunting.

In the end, he was just a man prone to take a plunge into the pale blue waters that imprisoned him, hoping that someone someday will pull him out, once and for all.

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