Thursday, September 13, 2012

"29" :: Chapter-13

With long strides Fabrice marched towards the field. Players were lined up in their respective order, random passes were being made. Their uniforms were a mix of red and grey. Fabrice took the center position, guarded by players on either sides. The crowd was moderate, faces mostly pale, moderately excited, conversing collectively in a strange harmony. Fabrice couldn't help to notice the strange expressions of the people in the crowd, he hardly spotted a smiling face. Games aren't meant to be this serious. Maybe this game was.

The opposition team stormed in, the green uniform was prominently noticeable. Their lowers were torn by the knees, their heads hidden in the black helmets. They swarmed in and quickly formed a perfect position like pre programmed robots. The timer in the skies was in 11th minute of the 15th hour. A loud announcement blared in through the loud speaker, "Let the game begin", a moderate applaud signaled the commencement.  And with the first throw to the player in the last row the chaos began.

For a few minutes all Fabrice could do was turn his head watching his so called team mates pass the ball to each other. A player on the right corner finally converted his pass for a run. He was a few yards from the touchdown till something very absurdly horrifying happened. An approaching player was thrown a chainsaw from the crowd, he turned it on and ran towards the attacking player. Within no time, the player was down, the running chainsaw slashing both his legs. He lay there shouting with the constant flow of blood, increasing the bloody red puddle around him.

Fabrice noticed the red eyes of the players glowing through their black helmet. They made their first touchdown in the 8th minute and with that came a flying grenade in the field blowing right in the middle making a body fly to the edge of the ground. They'd lost another player. In 10 minutes there was a touchdown, one explosions and two players out of action.

As the game entered the 11th minute Fabrice saw a shutter open up in the left, behind a cage there were bulls blowing out angry grunts and Fabrice knew that things get worse any moment from now. Things already were worse, the timer in the sky was in the 14th hour.

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