Thursday, September 6, 2012

"29" :: Chapter-6

“So how will I escape?” Fabrice entered the living room, looking at the carpet which refreshed a forgotten memory of the picture it showed, a couple of men on horses chasing a flying bird. Even the fish tank was just like it was, the four gold fishes were right there, swimming carefree as if it was all too real. ‘Too damn real’ Fabrice thought walking towards the staircase adjoining the living room.

The little girl was walking right in front of him, “I’ll help you pass through” she said. They entered the first room to the right. Again very familiar, the light pink shade of the paint still looking the same. The cradle was there in the corner and the cupboard next, the room was dark with the light coming in from outside through the window, faintly exploring the shade of everything inside.

Fabrice noticed the little girl removing the photo frame from the wall. She gave it to fabrice , “Take this, you’ll need it” . Fabrice found it rather strange, to keep a frame which absolutely had nothing in it, no picture. Fabrice looked at the hamster’s cabinet, “Scruffy” he whispered. Scruffy wasn’t there perhaps he was on the other side of this prison where everything was real.

Fabrice saw that the little girl was now looking out through the window; he didn’t wanted to be bothered for some time. So he took a walk through his days of infancy, to his parents’ bedroom. Every single detail there wasn’t clearly recallable but seemed familiar, the grand dressing table, a big bed in the center and an unused candle holder on the table.

The window was open and the netted curtain did a random dance to the winds. Fabrice closed his eyes and watched the scenes of his early childhood roll right before his eyes. Fabrice wasn’t sure if the interrupting sounds were real or not, till they grew loud and he could clearly hear the crash and bang, it was right below where he stood. He hurriedly ran towards the other room, the little girl was still there right beside the window. Fabrice ran up to her, she looked back and raised her finger.

Fabrice looked back and he realized that the hamster’s cabinet was empty for a reason. Scruffy stood right there, huge, horrible and drooling with fat droplets of saliva.


Dear imaginary reader,
Forgive me, in case of any typos and in case the story is allowing you to yawn.

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